This project was commissioned by a business campus wishing to renovate and enhance this woodland walk on the premises, making it more accessible to all.
This company views investing into their people and promoting employee wellbeing a priority. And, in striving for excellence and seeking to improve futures, there was a key focus on sustainability throughout the project.
We installed over 800m of steel edgings along almost 450m of pathways, finished with a breedon gravel. This created a meandering pathway through the scenic woodland. We also installed a Big Rig Fitness Frame to create an outdoor Gym, finished with a rubber mulch base for a clean but quite natural feel.
All along the paths we installed handmade oak ecology and information lecturns (information blurred for client privacy) to give an insight into the wildlife in the surrounding woodland. Which there was plenty of, with many types of birds and even a terrapin being spotted in our time on site!

Below was the most sustainable solution for repurposing the old timber edgings. We had considered a few options for recycling wood, but we concluded that the best solution was that to create a bug hotel out out of the old wood, creating a habitat for the small wildlife to thrive in.