Valley was called in to see if they could do anything with this small area which was described at the time as a ‘dead space’ and you can see why in the short video below!
The existing outdoor area was, to say the least, old and lacking in interest and usability. There was a rotting stage area, and old broken outdoor timber furniture, the whole area was covered in deep leaves and the outer fence was in a state of disrepair!
Although it initially was a struggle to see this area coming to life, Valley went to the drawing board. They came up with a 3D visulisation plan for the area, which was received enthusiastically by the school!
The idea of the design was intended to create an area of space, light, and interest in a multi-use, all-weather, rubber mulch surfaced area that was flexible to adapt to various different ‘children-led’ activities. Working with the teachers, who know best what will work well for their students, and help engage them in their time at school.
A teepee, buddy hut, plank walk, and various seating arrangements were made for the simple but effective design that we implemented. The whole area benefited from an increase in light and a clean new feel.